WTF? That is hilarious. It is just a matter of time until these judicial vigilantes affect the change they are after. Or end up in jail themselves, it’s a toss up at this point.
This is my attempt at sharpening my writing in order to open up further doors in my life. As this is my "experimental" blog, expect it to cover everything from religion to politics to video games. Everything is fair game and feelings may or may not be hurt depending on how sensitive you are. Oh, and criticism is welcome, so rip me up if you feel it is warranted. Or if your just in an Anon state of mind.
WTF? That is hilarious. It is just a matter of time until these judicial vigilantes affect the change they are after. Or end up in jail themselves, it’s a toss up at this point.
BBC News - Mixed feelings on extra troops in Afghanistan
Interesting look at a few man in the street POV’s. This small group seems to want American troops there, at least until their country can better police itself. The important part is in the first post, when Fawad Habib points out that our troops are popular in the cities, but less so in the rural areas. This obvious and simple statement points out the difficulty we are having over there. I would venture that we are popular in cities because we can effectively protect the cities. As our protection wanes, so does our support.
With all the uproar and political gamesmanship sure to come out of the planned withdrawal, it is worth considering what our best options actually are. We can continue until we have made the country completely safe and democratic. I’m positive we would be there forever if this was our goal. We could pull out now. Or we could make a slow withdrawal as the President indicated. Pros and Cons later.