Friday, October 16, 2009

Louisiana's New Embarrassment is Named Keith Bardwell

He only did it for the kids.

The Story.

I'm not going to go into the story's details. The facts are self-evident and either your appalled at the ignorance this fine example of a Louisiana public official possesses, or you don't see what the big deal is. Psst! If you fall into the latter category, your a piece of shit. Do us a favor and don't breed.

No, the reason I'm writing  is because I saw the paper, then went to the above link to see what the comments were saying. It was just as bad as I thought it would be. The comments ranged from out of state people laughing at the backwardness our state seems to love to present to the outside world, to condemnation from decent people, all the way to the complete insanity from the lunatic fringe that think he's right. Problem is that the fringe isn't quite as fringe around here as it should be.

I realized that in the past few years, the only other national coverage we've gotten has been the Hosanna child rape cult.  The feelings of pride one experiences from this realization are unexplainable. Mainly because there aren't any.

It does reminds us of two things though.

1. The Post-Racial America Obama was supposed to usher in? Not happening.  What is and has been happening is that racism has just enough of a social stigma that the racist will deny being one, while still of course being one. No one, least of all Ballard, believes he's doing it for the kids. He's doing it because it's how he would have done it in his alternate reality where George Wallace became President. The only difference is that he hides his intentions and is stupid enough to think no one will know what he's doing. I suppose it is a step up from lynching. I can't believe I can write that and actually mean it.

2. There's hope. Each generation is a little more integrated, a little more aware of the problem, and a little less willing to stay quiet about race in general and racism in particular. At the same time, the generation that grew up seeing and rooting against the Civil Rights movement is dying off. While it will not supply the ultimate solution, time may do more to advance race relations than anything else.

One mistake we cannot afford to make is to say that this is just one more black eye for a state that has loads, shrugging it off in the process. I hope we don't. We can be better than this, we are better than this. All we need is the courage to tell Bardwell and his ilk that their way is not acceptable anymore. We can take advantage of this stupidity to prove, to ourselves more than anyone else, that we are willing and able to no longer allow an environment where people like Bardwell feel comfortable and, more importantly, justified in spewing their bile.  I know it can be done. I just hope enough of us are willing to try.

Oh and FYI, there's a very good chance that the picture leading this essay is not Bardwell. A good chance as in it's definitely not him. Still, I think as a representation of Bardwell's ignorance as well as a look what the rest of the world thinks we all look like thanks to assholes like him, it does it's job.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Older I Get, the Weirder Things Are

So I went to the circus the other night, and all I can say is, it sucked. It was complete and utter crap. My kids liked it. I suppose it doesn't take much to seem magical to an eight year old. To me though? It was like all the shine was gone, and in its place was a dark, decrepit, sleaze pit, just waiting to take your money. And yes, before I thought to say money, there was a part of me that wanted to say soul. I can't help it, it was a little back alley creepy. Psycho Circus creepy for any KISS and/or comic geeks out there.

As for the title of this post, I noticed something about myself the other night. Now I'm an asshole, just to be clear. It's not something I'm proud of, and most of the time I can either keep my assholeish (word?) thoughts to myself or at the very least, get by with a socially acceptable, "Oh Shawn, your horrible! <giggle>"  I'm a nice asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. Anyway, as I get older, these cynical assholeish <again ,word?> thoughts seem to be merging with, dare I say it, a hippie like view of the world. And I was always pro-Cartman, anti-hippie. But I don't know what else to call it.

This latest crisis of confidence in my ability to be a thoroughly depressing and bastardly individual happened, you guessed it, at the circus the other night. First things first. I hate PETA. I love animals, but I hate PETA. Back on track, I'm sitting there at the circus, wondering exactly how many kinds of VD the trapeze artists has, when they march out the elephants. I like elephants, I always have; they seem like they just know weird,  interesting, important, things. Things that, when they told you, you'd be all like, "No way! How could I have missed that? Jumbo, you've changed my life forever!" Or something, anyway point is, I like elephants, but aside from the, possibly alcohol induced thought above, I've rarely thought about them. I did Saturday night.

Know what I thought? I thought that the life of a circus elephant sucks balls. Then I felt guilty for paying money to an organization that puts them on display like that. They were going through this act and they just looked pathetic. This circus was in a parking lot in Kenner. The elephants had to kneel on that concrete. Ever kneeled on concrete? It hurts. Imagine weighing a few thousand pounds and kneeling on it. Yeah. So now I want to free the elephants. Along with health care, Palestine, and this country from the Patriot Act. I suppose that really does make me a liberal, which to my family and friends makes me a hippie.  Oh well, I promise to bathe often and not wear patchouli. That'll help some, right?